
CCRP Mailing List

The Command and Control Research Program (CCRP) within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OASD) focuses upon 1) improving both the state of the art and the state of the practice of command and control and 2) enhancing DoD's understanding of the national security implications of the Information Age. It provides "Out of the Box" thinking and explores ways to help DoD take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by the Information Age. The CCRP forges links between the operational and technical communities, and enhances the body of knowledge and research infrastructure upon which future progress depends. The CCRP is comprised of a dynamic group of individuals whose ideas and experience have advanced the state of the art of Command and Control.

If you are interested in receiving email announcements on current research, publications, and conferences, please fill out the following form and submit to be added to the CCRP mailing list.

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